
LaMar’s Donuts

I remember back in the Philippines, I kept asking my boyfriend then (now my husband) what is his favorite donuts as I was craving for Krispy Kremes at that time. I have expected for him to say the same thing. Krispy Kreme is a famous American chain of donuts after all. So maybe Americans loves it as much as Filipinos do, who are very willing to line up for two hours so we can get our taste of it. Although right now, Krispy Kreme has a comptetion which is J.CO Donuts. An Asian chain of donuts originated from Indonesia. It’s like Filipinos now are divided into “Are you a Krispy Kreme person or a J.CO fan?”

My boyfriend told me it is a difficult question but he answered it anyway and said “LaMar’s Donuts” is one of his favorites. And so, I recorded that on my mental list.

So just last Sunday, after two months of being here in United States.. I was able to get a taste of LaMar’s.


I love how it melts in my mouth and how less sweet it is than most donuts. It’s perfect to pair with a hot cup of coffee.


What I have discovered which I really find it amazing is that donuts are considered as a breakfast food here in the United States. It’s supposed to be eaten only in the morning. That is why donuts stores closed every two in the afternoon. Whereas in the Philippines, you can eat it anytime of the day or night. It is considered as a dessert or more of a snack food. The food we usually eat in between meals especially in the afternoon at 3:00.

Oh, also LaMar’s is a local favorite. Although you can find it in different states in the whole country now primarily in the Midwest but it was originated here in Kansas City, Missouri. Founded  by Ray Lamar, it prides itself for producing quality gourmet donuts and I couldn’t agree more. They really have something to be proud of and it’s just 15 minutes drive away. Yay… !!








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  • Reply
    October 7, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    Ann!! Looks so yummy! Huhu ka delicous gd ya tulukon!!!

    • Reply
      October 7, 2016 at 8:48 pm

      Yep, namit siya Det! You have to try some someday.. 🙂

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